AML & CFT Frequently asked questions

AML & KYC practical knowledge and CDD procedure templates

In this section you will find a set of knowledge connected with the money laundering or terrorist financing, compliance and Risk based CDD

The main objective of the creators of the fourth EU directive related to counteracting money laundering was to counteract the criminal activity that may harm the internal market of the Union as well as expose the financial sector to damages.
The fourth EU directive imposes certain obligations on certain institutions and organizations that participate in the processes of storing and transferring money. These institutions include both banks and financial institutions carrying out investment activities, insurance and leasing companies, factoring companies, payment operators, currency exchange offices, companies trading in large amounts of cash, legal advisors, notaries and so on.

Find out more about AML 4th Directive
The basic act name is The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017. The act number is 2017 No. 692. It was prepared according to the guidelines of the fourth EU AML directive and is valid in the area of the United Kingdom to this day.
UK included permanently the fight against dirty money for its legislation system.

The British authorities ensure that, despite leaving the European Union, laws related to AML will not be withdrawn.

Find out more about UK AML Regulations

Yes, we offer this service as an additional module. This module enables viewing and downloading to CSV format (spreadsheet, excel) all completed PEP queries together with the following information :

  • contents of the query
  • result of PEP checking
  • time signature when the request was made
  • the name of the user who made the query.

Our verification history stores both queries made by the web application as well as queries made through the API. The PEP verification history service is offered in the form of a subscription fee payable for one month, quarter or year. The price for the verification history service can be found on the website.